Abortion is a cancer that makes our society sick on every level. It destroys us individually - one baby at a time; it erodes the essential institution of fatherhood by removing fathers from the most basic decision regarding their children; and, ultimately, it creates unstable consequences that damage our nation and our world. And rather than being a necessary industry that protects the weakest and neediest among us, it is in fact a holocaust among the very groups of people we claim to be trying to save.
First of all, abortion clearly results in the death of a child. Do the math: if your beloved mommy had decided to have an abortion during her pregnancy with you, you would not have been born. More specifically, you would have died. Mommy would have killed you. The same you who was once a teen ager, once a toddler, once an infant, was also once a fetus, once an embryo, and once a zygote. Killing you at any point during that continuum would have rendered you every bit as dead. If you don't believe me, look at your brother or sister; a different egg and sperm produce a totally different child every time. Even in the case of identical twins - where a zygote divides - we end up with two different children. Abortion destroys a child.
But when the Supreme Court looked down from Mount Olympus and divined in the Constitution a woman's right to choose abortion, it did something else: it destroyed the rights of fathers, and undermined the traditional family structure.
Think about it: if a mother exercises her "right to choose" abortion, it presupposes a duty upon the father of that child to idly sit by while his child is killed. While mommy beams down at her little bundle of joy and says, "I could have chosen to kill you, but let you live because I wanted a baby, daddy is outside somewhere saying, "Well, mommy didn't decide to kill it, so I guess I'm a father. How can anyone who claims to have an IQ above that of an insect not see how radically abortion undermines the role of the father?
Conversely, if daddy dearest is a "pro-choicer" who doesn't want anything to do with his child and would very much like to choose death for it, he may well be subjectively compelled by the courts to pay child support. A woman can kill her child at will during pregnancy. That is her right. But if she subjectively decides to keep her baby, the courts impose the burden on a father to support that child whether he wants it or not. That is his duty. Where's daddy's "right to choose"? He has no rights at all, only duties selectively imposed upon him by the granting of this bizarre woman's right. So much for equal rights; so much for equal protection under the law. If daddy desperately wants his child and mommy wants to abort, too bad, so sad, dad. If daddy doesn't want to be responsible for his kid but mommy wants to keep it, to bad, so sad, dad. Abortion is not only murder, it is also patently unfair by any meaningful standard.
In their infinite wisdom, the courts decided that fatherhood amounted to nothing more than donating sperm and writing checks. A woman kills her child and is regarded as making a choice with all the moral consequence of choosing whether to buy a particular blouse. A father walks away from a liftime commitment of supporting that same kid that momma could have had chopped into little pieces and he becomes a "deadbeat dad." And the same courts that made all this possible - after creating the chaotic disaster of "no-fault divorse" - have also nearly unanimously decided that fathers shouldn't get custody of their kids. They're lucky if they get joint custody! Being a father means being pretty low on the totem poll. And of course, in recent years, we have lesbians taking advantage of the latest science to bypass daddy nearly entirely. So much for dads.
Incredibly, the same secular humanists who utterly failed to see the consequences of their utter contempt for fathers have for going on forty years continued to fail to see the clear cause-effect relationship between abortion and the declining participation by fathers. But suprise, suprise. Fathers by the millions recognized and internalized the utter meaninglessness that society clearly impugned upon them and simply walked away. Duties without rights, plus criticism without recognition, is no way to attract men to embrace fatherhood.
The statistics are overwhelming and inexorable. Abortion. Fatherlessness. Out of wedlock births. Single parent households. Crime. Drugs. Gangs. Prison. Chronic dysfunction. Studies galore support the death of the family with the rise of a sociopathic youth culture. In many major cities, 65% of babies are born to unmarried women. Nationally, 70% of the long-term inmates in prisons who have committed the most violent crimes grew up without fathers. INTERPOL statistics have likewise revealed that single parenthood ratios were strongly correlated with violent crimes. Studies of juvenile offenders have shown that family structure significantly predicts delinquency. Children born out of wedlock are three times more likely to drop out of school than children in two parent households, and they are far more likely to end up on welfare. And study after study has demonstrated that children without fathers are far more likely to abuse alcohol and drugs, far more likely to be sexually, physically, and emotionally abused, far more likely to become obese, and far more likely to perpetuate the vicious cycle by having out of wedlock children themselves. And there is no connective link - NONE! - that more determines poverty than single parenthood.
You want to turn this tide around? Criminalize abortion. The problem isn't too many children being born; the problem is fatherlessness! Stop the insane double standard. If fathers should have any duty whatsoever to support their children, surely mothers have at the very least the duty to allow their children to live! Hey, guess what? This isn't a meaningless fetus; it is a human being, and mother and father both have a duty to care for their child. Dad, you brought this little mouth into the world, and you have an obligation to provide for it; mom, you conceived this little bundle of joy, and you have an obligation to nurture it. But only a fool decrees that mother gets to decide whether a child should count enough to live, and a father must somehow be duty-bound to completely respect and honor whatever her choice is. That is insane, and it is evil.
If we as a society begin to respect life enough that we begin to recognize that it is worth nurturing, worth, providing for, worth loving, then we will finally begin to see a turnaround in our society. Decades of terrible statistics will begin to improve as the society that demands that fathers recognize their children itself fundamentally recognizes children.
Abortion by its very design and by its very nature removes fathers from the equation of life. It is time to bring them back.
When fatherhood is trivialized, ignored, and removed as a factor by abortion, chaos follows. That's what all the trends tell us. And that chaos has had a terribly detrimental impact upon society. The liberals who decry the United States' involvement in the five-year old Iraq war may well have a point in noting the trillion-dollar debt that the war will cost American society; but they will not for a single nanosecond consider the multi-, multi-, multi-, multi-trillion dollar cost of abortion upon our society as it triggered massive fundamental philosophical and sociological degredations of human life. It is frankly incredible that so many supposedly intelligent people failed to see that the stupid logic that you are human only if you are wanted would not have massive unintended consequences.
And we will increasingly see the result of the international aspect of abortion as well. A June 13, 2007 news story (Infanticide, Abortion Responsible for 60 Million Girls Missing in Asia) begins as follows:
There is a little-known battle for survival going in some parts of the world. Those at risk are baby girls, and the casualties are in the millions each year. The weapons being used against them are prenatal sex selection, abortion and female infanticide — the systematic killing of girls soon after they are born.
According to a recent United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) State of the World Population Report, these practices, combined with neglect, have resulted in at least 60 million "missing" girls in Asia, creating gender imbalances and other serious problems that experts say will have far reaching consequences for years to come.
"Twenty-five million men in China currently can’t find brides because there is a shortage of women," said Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute in Washington, D.C. "The young men emigrate overseas to find brides."
The imbalances are also giving rise to a commercial sex trade; the 2005 report states that up to 800,000 people being trafficked across borders each year, and as many as 80 percent are women and girls, most of whom are exploited.
"Women are trafficked from North Korea, Burma and Vietnam and sold into sexual slavery or to the highest bidder," Mosher said.
Source: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,281722,00.html
Here we have a clearly established link between abortion and sex selection, as well as clear correspondence between abortion and sex slavery as well as a link between abortion and an unstable and unsustainable societal dilemma in a nuclear state. What will be the long-term psychological state of an already rogue nation as hundreds of millions of men begin to come onto the scene who cannot possibly marry or ever enjoy a normal relationship with a woman?
I still recall Senator Hillar Clinton going to a women's conference in China and lecturing the Chinese on abortion. In her view, although it is perfectly legitimate for American women to abort their progeny out of whatever subjective preference that entered their minds, as long as it is a woman's "choice." However, it is immoral for a nation-state to attempt - out of what they perceived as a direct threat to their national survival (i.e. a one child per family edict to control overpopulation) - to control the number of children born. This view is particualarly odd coming from a liberal Democrat who generally favors big government bureaucratic solutions over individual free market ones. If her reasoning process wasn't already twisted enough, she then proceeded to undermine her whole "abortion is wonderful as long as women choose to do it" by lecturing the Chinese on sex selective abortions, which are done not only in China but in much of the developing world out of long-standing cultural practices that value sons over daughters. In Senator Clinton's reasoning, abortion is fine as long as it is a woman's choice, as long as she doesn't choose to abort her girls.
Sex selective abortions routinely take place throughout Asia, and is also a rampant practice in India and much of Latin America. In a bizarre but talionic twist, "a woman's right to choose" has resulted in a literal holocaust against women.
And it is not only women who fall prey to the abortion mills. While so many liberals who claim to champion civil rights laud abortion, the fact remains that abortion has cut a terrible swath among black Americans. There is a clear prima facia case to be made that abortion seems to selectively favor the weakest, the poorest, and the most vulnerable members of society. If liberals had a functioning moral compass, they would be troubled by the ramifications of their ideologies. They don't, and they aren't.
Last month UCLA students had an actor call Planned Parenthood development centers in seven states asking whether his donation could be specifically targeted to "lower the number of black people." Each branch agreed to process the racially earmarked donation. None expressed concern about the clearly expressed racist motives for the donation, and some staffers explicitly agreed with the racist reasoning. Planned Parenthood issued a statement that attempted to redirect attention from its profoundly racist staffers. We should likewise forget that 79% of Planned Parenthood abortion facilities are in minority neighborhoods, or that the founder of Planned Parenthood was a prodoundly racist proponent of eugenics. From its inception, Planned Parenthood has readily agreed with the statement, “the less black kids out there, the better,” which was uttered by the UCLA actor in his recorded conversation with Planned Parenthood's Autumn Kersey. She called his position "understandable," and indicated her excitement to process the donation. He was acting; the Director of Development at the Idaho Planned Parenthood office was not.
The Rev. Johnny Hunter has bemoaned the plight of black Americans, who are killing themselves off at an incredible rate, and has pointed out that abortion has killed far more blacks than the Klu Klux Klan. Dr. Alveda King, the niece of the famed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., has used the same analogy, saying, “The great irony is that abortion has done what the Klan only dreamed of.” She quoted her uncle as having said, “It's time that we remember the sacrifices of men like my father and my uncle who worked and died so that our children could live.” And she said, “It's time to stop killing the future and keep their dream alive.”
The numbers are simply staggering. Dr. Alveda King says that a full one quarter of the black population is missing from the abortion genocide. “15 million black people have been denied their most basic civil right, the right to life," she says. Out of 42 million total abortions in the United States, 15 million (35.7%) have been black. Black women are three times more likely than white women to have an abortion, and a nearly half of all black pregnancies are ending in abortion!
If conservatives championed a campaign that would inevitably come to result in the termination of women and blacks in massive numbers, one can only imagine the rhetoric of disgust and righteous outrage that would flood the media ink and airwaves. But the central plank of both liberalism and the Democratic Party has clearly done exactly that, and there is nothing but stony silence.
And may I point out (again) that abortion - which removes fathers from the equation and thus trivializes fatherhood - has anhiliated black fatherhood every bit as much as it has anhiliated their babies. When we look at the shocking statistics regarding black crime, drug use, incarceration, and dysfunction on virtually every level we need to realize that abortion is not the cure, but the disease.
Finally, let me discuss the relationship of abortion with the impending Social Security meltdown. By 2017, Social Security be greater than what it takes in (the definition of bankruptcy, by the way), and the trust fund will be completely emptied by 2041.
In 1950, there were 16 workers for every recipient of Social Security. Today there are only three workers for every recipient. And given current trends, within a few decades there will only be two. There are obviously other factors to account both for this trend and for the overall problems with Social Security in general, but no problem is greater than the fact that we have killed off more than 42 million potential workers since the 1970s. Grandpa's generation did not exterminate themselves, you see (and all the wars from the Revolutionary War to the war in Iraq haven't begun to kill off Americans the way abortion has!), and so there are a lot of people to support, and way too few to support them.
Medicare is in even worse shape. By 2014, payroll tax revenue will cover just over half of Medicare's budget, and the program's trust fund - which pays for critical medicare care - will be exhausted by 2019. Something dramatic will have to be done to save the program, and liberals' promises to pump more government money into health care amount to what one of my professors - commenting on students who wrote lengthy answers to exam questions that somehow never arrived at an answer - called "pumping sunshine." By the time the bickering parties and entrenched interest groups get around to seriously trying to turn around this Titanic, it will be too late to cut benefits, and workers will revolt on a level not seen since the early 1930s if they are called upon to pay the taxes necessary to keep the entitlement programs alive.
My fear is that the younger generation and the government bureaucrats will apply the same twisted reasoning as the thinking that brought us the abortion mills that caused so much of this growing disaster in the first place. If you can kill a baby before it has a chance to be born and become potential burdens upon society, why not kill the elderly before they have a chance to become guaranteed burdens on society? Watch out, grandpa: because the generation that survived abortion will almost surely come after you!
Liberals despise the Bible, so let me end by quoting it. Proverbs 8:32-26, urging readers to pursue godly wisdom, says, "And now, o sons, listen to me: blessed are those who keep my ways. Hear instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it. Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting beside my doors. For whoever finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord, but he who fails to find me injures himself; all who hate me love death."
Abortion is the love of death, and the pursuit of death over the pursuit of life. And the end of a culture that loves death is death.
Monday, March 31, 2008
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